Make predictions using the exclusive lasso. Similar to predict.glmnet. coef(...) is a wrapper around predict(..., type="coefficients").

# S3 method for ExclusiveLassoFit
coef(object, lambda = s, s = NULL, exact = FALSE, group_threshold = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for ExclusiveLassoFit
  lambda = s,
  s = NULL,
  type = c("link", "response", "coefficients"),
  group_threshold = FALSE,
  exact = FALSE,



An ExclusiveLassoFit object produced by exclusive_lasso.


The value of the regularization paramter (\(lambda\)) at which to return the fitted coefficients or predicted values. If not supplied, results for the entire regularization path are returned. Can be a vector.


An alternate argument that may be used to supply lambda. Included for compatability with glmnet.


Should the exclusive lasso be re-run for provided values of lambda? If FALSE, approximate values obtained by linear interpolation on grid points are used instead. (Cf. the exact argument of predict.glmnet)


If TRUE, (hard-)threshold coefficients so that there is exactly one non-zero coefficient in each group.


Additional arguments passed to exclusive_lasso if exact=TRUE and ignored otherwise.


New data \(X \in R^{m \times p}\) on which to make predictions. If not supplied, predictions are made on trainng data.


The type of "prediction" to return. If type="link", returns the linear predictor. If type="response", returns the expected value of the response. If type="coefficients", returns the coefficients used to calculate the linear predictor. (Cf. the type argument of predict.glmnet)


An offset term used in predictions. If not supplied, all offets are taken to be zero. If the original fit was made with an offset, offset will be required.


n <- 200 p <- 500 groups <- rep(1:10, times=50) beta <- numeric(p); beta[1:10] <- 3 X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol=p) y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(n) exfit <- exclusive_lasso(X, y, groups) coef(exfit, lambda=1)
#> 501 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix" #> #> (Intercept) -0.8556297 #> 1.6177055 #> 1.5167088 #> 1.5576356 #> 1.4557314 #> 1.3429220 #> 1.6525403 #> 1.4577423 #> 1.5505042 #> 1.6672350 #> 1.5469521 #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> . #> .
predict(exfit, lambda=1, newx = -X)
#> [,1] #> [1,] 0.47254886 #> [2,] 5.04540436 #> [3,] 3.85081483 #> [4,] 3.86975131 #> [5,] 3.41044951 #> [6,] -11.02415415 #> [7,] -3.64048632 #> [8,] 0.84734859 #> [9,] 0.91484137 #> [10,] -5.27402297 #> [11,] -0.39952876 #> [12,] 15.48880483 #> [13,] -4.44755518 #> [14,] -1.26347876 #> [15,] 8.95013545 #> [16,] 2.24589700 #> [17,] 1.99259187 #> [18,] -4.79237177 #> [19,] -15.13313313 #> [20,] -4.86348011 #> [21,] -4.37706904 #> [22,] 2.70501526 #> [23,] -6.09681031 #> [24,] 4.94912225 #> [25,] 2.44432918 #> [26,] 3.17673495 #> [27,] -2.86003757 #> [28,] 4.29162528 #> [29,] 0.32223678 #> [30,] 3.77050389 #> [31,] -6.66000532 #> [32,] 0.09047075 #> [33,] -0.99215098 #> [34,] 3.55388375 #> [35,] 4.19342872 #> [36,] 1.98284291 #> [37,] -2.34059964 #> [38,] -1.18307825 #> [39,] 8.61327266 #> [40,] 6.74050579 #> [41,] -0.33866601 #> [42,] -1.91875025 #> [43,] -1.31702917 #> [44,] 7.68592992 #> [45,] -1.64972236 #> [46,] -0.81285410 #> [47,] 6.43237118 #> [48,] -0.12193746 #> [49,] 1.89104319 #> [50,] -4.37134022 #> [51,] -2.67245892 #> [52,] 3.18941850 #> [53,] 2.18097264 #> [54,] 2.85382847 #> [55,] -6.63292420 #> [56,] 1.66931826 #> [57,] 1.63163890 #> [58,] -4.42714265 #> [59,] -4.44410912 #> [60,] 1.91851228 #> [61,] 2.39750877 #> [62,] 8.46343252 #> [63,] -9.54620712 #> [64,] 3.43543970 #> [65,] -3.22943907 #> [66,] -3.93991759 #> [67,] -1.66130886 #> [68,] -0.57741389 #> [69,] -6.09667523 #> [70,] -0.44403343 #> [71,] 4.64949698 #> [72,] 3.81658275 #> [73,] -8.19214944 #> [74,] -3.76640983 #> [75,] -0.20209651 #> [76,] -0.08813113 #> [77,] 1.52605165 #> [78,] 4.19690850 #> [79,] 9.11914243 #> [80,] 8.26153770 #> [81,] -12.94677573 #> [82,] 4.39251489 #> [83,] -1.29658645 #> [84,] -2.50812668 #> [85,] 2.35581350 #> [86,] -6.13685233 #> [87,] 6.60313314 #> [88,] -0.93794557 #> [89,] -0.43430395 #> [90,] -3.12316384 #> [91,] -2.83520741 #> [92,] 5.20006377 #> [93,] -0.37610596 #> [94,] -8.14300526 #> [95,] -8.49184170 #> [96,] -0.31911868 #> [97,] -10.87387683 #> [98,] 2.32531054 #> [99,] 1.13415970 #> [100,] 1.56365102 #> [101,] 2.80957222 #> [102,] -4.28933785 #> [103,] -0.09957953 #> [104,] -3.69449496 #> [105,] -2.73216312 #> [106,] 3.62273667 #> [107,] -1.00202528 #> [108,] 7.39108111 #> [109,] 3.48455726 #> [110,] 7.44041666 #> [111,] -8.31935266 #> [112,] 0.45002535 #> [113,] 4.55363791 #> [114,] 4.54573182 #> [115,] 2.78032953 #> [116,] 1.26106268 #> [117,] -3.54462755 #> [118,] -0.53023501 #> [119,] -3.24936429 #> [120,] -3.18899056 #> [121,] 5.38469234 #> [122,] 3.79904576 #> [123,] 6.27850271 #> [124,] -5.25953790 #> [125,] -2.66628451 #> [126,] 4.86876216 #> [127,] -5.99237063 #> [128,] 1.27887869 #> [129,] 0.42692097 #> [130,] -6.41946363 #> [131,] 2.14105757 #> [132,] -0.44362298 #> [133,] -4.23624492 #> [134,] -0.73645747 #> [135,] 6.22042585 #> [136,] 2.65659598 #> [137,] -7.07728521 #> [138,] 3.74924327 #> [139,] -2.20864705 #> [140,] -6.58030169 #> [141,] 5.58481826 #> [142,] 1.61568624 #> [143,] 2.36627809 #> [144,] -3.83065709 #> [145,] 1.21374710 #> [146,] -4.93889450 #> [147,] -5.39803234 #> [148,] -6.11532094 #> [149,] 2.75353808 #> [150,] 8.18100293 #> [151,] 0.29739668 #> [152,] -0.23586708 #> [153,] -5.43016288 #> [154,] -1.63182104 #> [155,] 9.23067617 #> [156,] -1.69699684 #> [157,] 12.75337736 #> [158,] 9.12022155 #> [159,] -5.88376162 #> [160,] 1.39665210 #> [161,] -1.83803987 #> [162,] 1.67764824 #> [163,] -9.79214240 #> [164,] 2.53719520 #> [165,] 0.42369412 #> [166,] -0.78505885 #> [167,] -0.23157177 #> [168,] 13.90286753 #> [169,] 11.03262775 #> [170,] -9.33342634 #> [171,] -5.90057250 #> [172,] 2.57447438 #> [173,] -10.45479716 #> [174,] -2.75092093 #> [175,] -5.42342954 #> [176,] -6.79782719 #> [177,] -3.01266611 #> [178,] -13.10772763 #> [179,] 1.12508714 #> [180,] 14.05695125 #> [181,] 1.10369774 #> [182,] 8.03950018 #> [183,] -2.90392063 #> [184,] -3.32725396 #> [185,] 5.01334697 #> [186,] 3.89815758 #> [187,] 1.42807095 #> [188,] -6.23357587 #> [189,] -1.15326796 #> [190,] -4.72568998 #> [191,] -0.47751063 #> [192,] -4.98765712 #> [193,] 6.90098602 #> [194,] 5.09570336 #> [195,] 6.74125193 #> [196,] -6.38915339 #> [197,] -5.44107262 #> [198,] 3.64343174 #> [199,] -1.84825908 #> [200,] 5.28245044