In this vignette, we give an overview of the CARP and CBASS algorithms. For more details, see Weylandt, Nagorski, and Allen (2020) and Weylandt (2019).

Convex Clustering

CARP begins with the convex clustering problem originally popularized by Hocking et al. (2011):1

\[\text{arg min}_{U} \frac{1}{2}\|U - X\|_F^2 + \lambda\sum_{(i, j) \in \mathcal{E}} \|U_{i\cdot} - U_{j\cdot}\|_q\]

Note that the second term can be written as \(\|DU\|_{q, 1} = \sum_l \|(DU)_{l\cdot}\|_q\) where

\[D_{l\cdot} \text{ is a vector of zeros except having a 1 where edge $l$ starts and a $-1$ where it ends} \]

giving the problem

\[\text{arg min}_{U} \frac{1}{2}\|U - X\|_F^2 + \lambda\|DU\|_q\]

As noted by Chi and Lange (2015), this formulation suggests the use of an operator splitting method. We consider an ADMM algorithm (Boyd et al. 2011), beginning by introducing a copy variable \(V = DU\) to reformulate the problem as:

\[\text{arg min}_{U} \frac{1}{2}\|U - X\|_F^2 + \lambda\|V\|_{q, 1} \text{ subject to } DU - V = 0\]

In our experiments, we have found that working in matrix notation, rather than the vectorized approach of Chi and Lange (2015), yields code which is faster as well as more easily maintained.

We then analyze this problem in a matrix analogue of the scaled form ADMM presented in Section 3.1.1 of Boyd et al (2011):

\[\begin{align*} U^{(k + 1)} &= \text{arg min}_U \frac{1}{2}\|U - X\|_F^2 + \frac{\rho}{2}\|DU - V^{(k)} + Z^{(k)}\|_F^2 \\ V^{(k + 1)} &= \text{arg min}_V \lambda\|V\|_{q, 1} + \frac{\rho}{2}\|DU^{(k + 1)} - V + Z^{(k)}\|_F^2 \\ Z^{(k + 1)} &= Z^{(k)} + DU^{(k+1)} - V^{(k+1)} \end{align*}\]

Note that our matrix variables \(U, V, Z\) correspond to Boyd et al.’s vector variables \(x, z, u\).

The first problem can be solved exactly by relatively simple algebra. We note that the Frobenius norm terms can be combined to express the problem as \[\begin{align*} \text{arg min}_U & \frac{1}{2}\|U - X\|_F^2 + \frac{1}{2}\|\sqrt{\rho} * (DU - V^{(k)} + Z^{(k)})\|_F^2 \\ \text{arg min}_U & \frac{1}{2}\left\|\begin{pmatrix} I \\ \sqrt{\rho}D\end{pmatrix} U - \begin{pmatrix} X \\ \sqrt{\rho}(V^{(k)} - Z^{(k)}) \end{pmatrix}\right\|_F^2 \end{align*}\]

This latter term is essentially a multi-response (ridge) regression problem and has an analytical solution given by: \[\left(\begin{pmatrix} I \\ \sqrt{\rho}D \end{pmatrix}^T\begin{pmatrix} I \\ \sqrt{\rho}D \end{pmatrix}\right)^{-1}\begin{pmatrix} I \\ \sqrt{\rho}D \end{pmatrix}^T\begin{pmatrix} X \\ \sqrt{\rho}(V^{(k)} - Z^{(k)}) \end{pmatrix} = \left(I + \rho D^TD\right)^{-1}\left[X + \rho D^T\left(V^{(k)} - Z^{(k)}\right)\right]\]

Next, we note that the \(V^{(k)}\) can be expressed in terms of a proximal operator: \[\text{arg min}_V \lambda \|V\|_{q, 1} + \frac{\rho}{2}\|DU^{(k + 1)} - V + Z^{(k)}\|_F^2 = \textsf{prox}_{\|\cdot\|_{q, 1} * \lambda/\rho}(DU^{(k + 1)} + Z^{(k)})\] where the matrix norm \(\|\cdot\|_{q, 1}\) is the sum of the \(\ell_q\)-norm of each row. Since this norm is separable across rows, evaluation of the overall proximal operator can be reduced to evaluation of the proximal operator of the \(\ell_q\)-norm.

clustRviz currently only supports the \(q = 1, 2\) cases, which have closed form solutions: \[V^{(k +1)}_{ij} = \textsf{SoftThresh}_{\lambda/\rho}\left((DU^{(k+1)} + Z^{(k)})_{ij}\right) \text{ when } q = 1\] and \[V^{(k +1)}_{i\cdot} = \left(1 - \frac{\lambda}{\rho \|(DU^{(k + 1)} + Z^{(k)})_{i\cdot}\|_2}\right)_+(DU^{(k + 1)} + Z^{(k)})_{i\cdot}\text{ when } q = 2\]

The \(Z^{(k)}\) update is trivial.

The combined algorithm is thus given by: \[\begin{align*} U^{(k + 1)} &= (I + \rho D^TD)^{-1}\left[X + \rho D^T*(V^{(k)} - Z^{(k)})\right]\\ V^{(k + 1)} &= \textsf{SoftThresh}_{\lambda / \rho}((DU^{(k + 1)} + Z^{(k)})) \\ Z^{(k + 1)} &= Z^{(k)} + DU^{(k +1)} - V^{(k + 1)} \end{align*}\] in the \(\ell_1\) case and \[\begin{align*} U^{(k + 1)} &= (I + \rho D^TD)^{-1}\left[X + \rho D^T*(V^{(k)} - Z^{(k)})\right]\\ V^{(k + 1)}_{i\cdot} &= \left(1 - \frac{\lambda}{\rho \|(DU^{(k + 1)} + Z^{(k)})_{i\cdot}\|_2}\right)_+(DU^{(k + 1)} + Z^{(k)})_{i\cdot} \qquad \text{ for each } i \\ Z^{(k + 1)} &= Z^{(k)} + DU^{(k +1)} - V^{(k + 1)} \end{align*}\] in the \(\ell_2\) case.

In practice, we pre-compute a Cholesky factorization of \(I + \rho D^TD\) which can be used in each \(U\) update.

We use these updates in an algorithmic regularization scheme, as described in Hu, Chi, and Allen (2016) to obtain the standard (non-backtracking) CARP algorithm:

  • Input:
    • Data matrix: \(X \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times p}\)
    • Weighted edge set: \(\mathcal{E} = \{(e_l, w_l)\}\)
    • Relaxation parameter: \(\rho \in \mathbb{R}_{> 0}\)
  • Precompute:
    • Difference matrix \(D \in \mathbb{R}^{|\mathcal{E}| \times n}\)
    • Cholesky factor \(L = \textsf{chol}(I + \rho D^TD) \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}\)
  • Initialize:
    • \(U^{(0)} = X\), \(V^{(0)} = DX\), \(Z^{(0)} = V^{(0)}\), \(\gamma^{(1)} = \epsilon\), \(k = 1\)
  • Repeat until \(\|V^{(k - 1)}\| = 0\):
    • \(U^{(k)} = L^{-T}L^{-1}\left[X + \rho D^T(V^{(k - 1)} - Z^{(k - 1)})\right]\)
    • If \(q = 1\), for all \((i, j)\): \[V_{ij}^{(k)} = \textsf{SoftThreshold}_{w_i \gamma^{(k)}/ \rho}((DU^{(k)} + Z^{(k - 1)})_{ij})\]
    • If \(q = 2\), for all \(l\): \[V^{(k)}_{l\cdot} = \left(1 - \frac{\gamma^{(k)} w_l}{\rho\|(DU^{(k)} + Z^{(k - 1)})_{l\cdot}\|_2}\right)_+(DU^{(k)} + Z^{(k - 1)})_{l\cdot}\]
    • \(Z^{(k)} = Z^{(k - 1)} + DU^{(k)} - V^{(k)}\)
    • \(\gamma^{(k + 1)} = t \gamma^{(k)}\)
    • \(k := k + 1\)
  • Return \(\{(U^{(l)}, V^{(l)}\}_{l = 0}^{k - 1}\)

In clustRviz, we do not return the \(Z^{(k)}\) iterates, but we do return the \(U^{(k)}\) and \(V^{(k)}\) iterates, as well as the zero pattern of the latter (which is useful for identifying clusters and forming dendrograms).

Missing Data Support

In some applications, it is important to allow for missing data in the data matrix $X. While it is possible to use convex clustering inside of a standard multiple imputation scheme, it is also possible to perform simultaneous imputation and clustering through a minor modification of the standard convex clustering problem. In particular, we omit the unobserved (missing) values from the Frobenius norm loss (data fidelity term): \[\text{arg min}_{U} \frac{1}{2}\|\mathcal{P}_M(U - X)\|_F^2 + \lambda\|DU\|_q\] where \(\mathcal{P}_M(\cdot)\) is a masking operator according to the matrix \(M\); that is, \(\mathcal{P}_M(X)_{ij}\) is \(X_{ij}\) is \(M_{ij}\) is 1 and 0 if \(M_{ij}\) is 0.

Plugging this into the ADMM derived above, we see that the primal update requires solving the following stationarity condition: \[0 = M \odot (U - X) + \rho D^TDU + \rho D^T(Z^{(k)} - V^{(k)}).\] This theoretically admits an analytical update, \[U^{(k+1)} = \text{unvec}\left[\left(\text{diag}(\text{vec}(M)) + I \otimes (\rho D^TD)\right)^+\text{vec}\left(M\odot X + \rho D^T(V^{(k)} - Z^{(k)})\right)\right]\] where \(A^+\) is the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of \(A\), but is unweildy and inefficient in practice.2

To avoid this, we instead use a Generalized ADMM scheme in the sense of Deng and Yin (2016), where we augment the \(U\)-subproblem with a positive-semi-definite quadratic operator applied to \(U - U^{(k)}\): that is, instead of solving the standard ADMM update, \[\text{arg min}_{U \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times p}} \frac{1}{2}\left\|\mathcal{P}_{M}(U - X)\right\|_{F}^2 + \frac{\rho}{2}\left\|DU - V^{(k)} + Z^{(k)}\right\|_F^2,\] we solve the modified update, \[\text{arg min}_{U \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times p}} \frac{1}{2}\left\|\mathcal{P}_{M}(U - X)\right\|_{F}^2 + \frac{\rho}{2}\left\|DU - V^{(k)} + Z^{(k)}\right\|_F^2 + \mathfrak{Q}(U - U^{(k)})\] for some quadratic \(\mathfrak{Q}\). If we take \[\mathfrak{Q}(U - U^{(k)}) = \frac{1}{2}\left\|\mathcal{P}_{I - M}(U - U^{(k)})\right\|_F^2\] the stationarity conditions become \[0 = M \odot (U - X) + \rho D^TD U + \rho D^T(Z^{(k)} - V^{(k)}) + (I - M)\odot (U - U^{(k)})\] which has the analytical solution: \[U^{(k+1)} = (I + \rho D^TD)^{-1}\left(M \odot X + (I - M) \odot U^{(k)} + \rho D^T(V^{(k)} - Z^{(k)})\right).\] As noted above, by caching the Cholesky factorization of \((I + \rho D^TD)\) we can reduce the per iteration cost. We note that this modified update is quite straight-forward and admits a simple interpretation: at each iteration, the missing elements of \(X\) are imputed using the previous values of \(U\). In the case of no missing data, this simplifies to the updates derived above.

Convex Bi-Clustering

CBASS begins with the convex biclustering problem originally posed by Chi, Allen, and Baraniuk (2017):3

\[\text{arg min}_{U} \frac{1}{2}\|U - X\|_F^2 + \lambda\left(\sum_{(i, j) \in \mathcal{E_1}} \|U_{i\cdot} - U_{j\cdot}\|_q + \sum_{(k, l) \in \mathcal{E_2}}\|U_{\cdot k} - U_{\cdot l}\|_q\right)\]

As before, we simplify notation by introducing two difference matrices \(D_{\text{row}}, D_{\text{col}}\) to write the problem as:

\[\text{arg min}_{U} \frac{1}{2}\|U - X\|_F^2 + \lambda\left(\|D_{\text{row}}U\|_{q, 1} + \|UD_{\text{col}}\|_{1, q}\right)\]

Weylandt (2019) considers several approaches to solving this problem and finds that a Generalized ADMM (Deng and Yin 2016) performs the best. By casting the problem in terms of compound copy and dual variables (\((V_{\text{row}}, V_{\text{col}})\) and \((Z_{\text{row}}, Z_{\text{col}})\) respectively), the updates separate “block-wise” yielding the following ADMM updates \[\begin{align*} V^{(k+1)}_{\text{row}} &= \textsf{prox}_{\|\cdot\|_{\text{row}, q} * \lambda/\rho}(D_{\text{row}}U^{(k + 1)} + Z^{(k)}_{\text{row}}) \\ V^{(k+1)}_{\text{col}} &= \textsf{prox}_{\|\cdot\|_{\text{col}, q} * \lambda/\rho}(U^{(k + 1)}D_{\text{col}} + Z^{(k)}_{\text{col}}) \\ Z^{(k+1)}_{\text{row}} &= Z^{(k)}_{\text{row}} + D_{\text{row}}U^{(k+1)} - V^{(k+1)}_{\text{row}} \\ Z^{(k+1)}_{\text{col}} &= Z^{(k)}_{\text{col}} + U^{(k+1)}D_{\text{col}} - V^{(k+1)}_{\text{col}} \end{align*}\] where the proximal operators are given by row- and column-wise element-wise or group-wise soft-thresholding for \(q = 1, 2\) respectively. See Appendix B of Weylandt (2019) for a more detailed derivation.

The primal (\(U\)) update is more complicated: the naive update \[U^{(k+1)} = \text{arg min}_{U \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times p}} \frac{1}{2} \left\|U - X\right\|_F^2 + \frac{\rho}{2}\left\|D_{\text{row}}U - V^{(k)}_{\text{row}} + Z^{(k)}_{\text{row}}\right\|_F^2 + \frac{\rho}{2}\left\|UD_{\text{col}} - V^{(k)}_{\text{col}} + Z^{(k)}_{\text{col}}\right\|_F^2\] yields the following stationary condition: \[O = U - X + \rho\left(D_{\text{row}}^T(D_{\text{row}}U - V^{(k)}_{\text{row}} + Z^{(k)}_{\text{row}})\right) + \rho\left((UD_{\text{col}} - V^{(k)}_{\text{col}} + Z^{(k)}_{\text{col}})D_{\text{col}}^T\right).\] Solving this directly requires solving a Sylvester equation in \(U\).

To avoid the expensive Sylvester step, we augment the primal problem with the positive-definite quadratic operator \[\mathfrak{Q}(U - U^{(k)}) = \frac{\alpha}{2}\left\|(U - U^{(k)})\right\|_F^2 - \frac{\rho}{2}\left\|D_{\text{row}}U - D_{\text{row}}U^{(k)}\right\|_F^2 - \frac{\rho}{2}\left\|UD_{\text{col}} - U^{(k)}D_{\text{col}}\right\|_F^2.\] Solving the associated stationary conditions gives the update \[U^{(k+1)} = \frac{\alpha U^{(k)} + X + \rho D_{\text{row}}^T(V^{(k)}_{\text{row}} - Z^{(k)}_{\text{row}} - D_{\text{row}}U^{(k)}) + \rho (V^{(k)}_{\text{col}} - Z^{(k)}_{\text{col}} - U^{(k)}D_{\text{col}})D_{\text{col}}^T}{1 + \alpha}\] where \(\alpha\) is chosen sufficiently large such that \(\mathfrak{Q}\) is positive-definite. CBASS uses a loose upper-bound of twice the sum of the maximum degrees of the row- and column-weight graphs (i.e., twice the sum of the row- and column-wise \(\ell_{\infty, 1}\) norms of \(D_{\text{row}}\) and \(D_{\text{col}}\)). See Appendix A of Weylandt (2019) for details.

Putting this all together in an algorithmic regularization scheme (Hu, Chi, and Allen 2016), we obtain the standard (non-backtracking) CBASS algorithm:

  • Input:
    • Data Matrix: \(X \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times p}\)
    • Weighted edge sets: \(\mathcal{E}_{\text{row}} = \{(e_l^{\text{row}}, w_l^{\text{row}})\}\) and \(\mathcal{E}_{\text{col}} = \{(e_l^{\text{col}}, w_l^{\text{col}})\}\)
    • Relaxation Parameter: \(\rho \in \mathbb{R}_{> 0}\)
  • Precompute:
    • Difference matrices: \(D_{\text{row}} \in \mathbb{R}^{|\mathcal{E}_{\text{row}}| \times n}\) and \(D_{\text{col}} \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times |\mathcal{E}_{\text{col}}|}\)
    • Generalized ADMM parameter: \(\alpha \in \mathbb{R}_{> 0}\)
  • Initialize:
    • \(U^{(0)} = X\), \(V^{(0)}_{\text{row}} = D_{\text{row}}X\), \(Z^{(0)}_{\text{row}} = V^{(0)}_{\text{row}}\), \(V^{(0)}_{\text{col}} = XD_{\text{col}}X\), \(Z^{(0)}_{\text{col}} = V^{(0)}_{\text{col}}\), \(\gamma^{(1)} = \epsilon\), \(k = 1\)
  • Repeat until \(\|V^{(k - 1)}_{\text{row}}\| = \|V^{(k-1)}_{\text{col}}\|= 0\):
    • \(U^{(k)} = \frac{\alpha U^{(k-1)} + X + \rho D_{\text{row}}^T(V^{(k-1)}_{\text{row}} - Z^{(k-1)}_{\text{row}} - D_{\text{row}}U^{(k-1)}) + \rho (V^{(k-1)}_{\text{col}} - Z^{(k-1)}_{\text{col}} - U^{(k-1)}D_{\text{col}})D_{\text{col}}^T}{1 + \alpha}\)
    • If \(q = 1\), for all \((i, j)\): \[(V^{(k)}_{\text{row}})_{ij} = \textsf{SoftThreshold}_{w_i^{\text{row}} \gamma^{(k)}/ \rho}((D_{\text{row}}U^{(k)} + Z^{(k - 1)}_{\text{row}})_{ij})\] \[(V^{(k)}_{\text{col}})_{ij} = \textsf{SoftThreshold}_{w_j^{\text{col}} \gamma^{(k)}/ \rho}((U^{(k)}D_{\text{col}} + Z^{(k - 1)}_{\text{col}})_{ij})\]
    • If \(q = 2\), for all \(l\): \[(V^{(k)}_{\text{row}})_{l\cdot} = \left(1 - \frac{\gamma^{(k)} w_l^{\text{row}}}{\rho\|(D_{\text{row}}U^{(k)} + Z^{(k - 1)}_{\text{row}})_{l\cdot}\|_2}\right)_+(D_{\text{row}}U^{(k)} + Z^{(k - 1)}_{\text{row}})_{l\cdot}\] \[(V^{(k)}_{\text{col}})_{\cdot l} = \left(1 - \frac{\gamma^{(k)} w_l^{\text{col}}}{\rho\|(U^{(k)}D_{\text{col}} + Z^{(k - 1)}_{\text{col}})_{l\cdot}\|_2}\right)_+(D_{\text{col}}U^{(k)} + Z^{(k - 1)}_{\text{col}})_{l\cdot}\]
    • \(Z^{(k)}_{\text{row}} = Z^{(k - 1)}_{\text{row}} + D_{\text{row}}U^{(k)} - V^{(k)}_{\text{row}}\)
    • \(Z^{(k)}_{\text{col}} = Z^{(k - 1)}_{\text{col}} + U^{(k)}D_{\text{col}} - V^{(k)}_{\text{col}}\)
    • \(\gamma^{(k + 1)} = t \gamma^{(k)}\)
    • \(k := k + 1\)
  • Return \(\{(U^{(l)}, V^{(l)}_{\text{row}}, V^{(l)}_{\text{col}}\}_{l = 0}^{k - 1}\)

As in clustRviz, we do not return the \(Z^{(k)}_{\text{row}}\) or \(Z^{(k)}_{\text{col}}\) iterates, but we do return the\(U^{(k)}\), \(V^{(k)}_{\text{row}}\), \(V^{(k)}_{\text{col}}\) iterates, as well as the zero pattern of the latter (which is useful for identifying biclusters and forming row and column dendrograms).

Note that the biclustering objective can be interpreted as the proximal operator of the function \(f(U) = \|D_{\text{row}}U\|_{q, 1} + \|UD_{\text{col}}\|_{1, q}\). Despite the simplicity of the proximal operators of the individual terms in \(f\), the proximal operator of the sum cannot be computed explicitly. To address this difficulty, use the Dykstra-Like Proximal Algorithm (DLPA) of Bauschke and Combettes (2008; see also Combettes and Pesquet 2011) which allows us to evaluate the proximal operator of the sum by repeated evaluation of the proximal operators of the summands. A modified version of the DLPA was used as the basis of an algorithmic regularization scheme of the sort described above in a previous version of CBASS. For details, see Appendix C of Weylandt, Nagorski, and Allen (2020).

Missing Data Support

As with CARP missing data support can be added by modifying the objective function and using a quadratic pertubation of the primal update. In particular, we add a data mask to the loss function to obtain the new objective function: \[\text{arg min}_{U} \frac{1}{2}\|\mathcal{P}_M(U - X)\|_F^2 + \lambda\left(\|D_{\text{row}}U\|_{q, 1} + \|UD_{\text{col}}\|_{1, q}\right)\]

As before, we add a “complementary mask” to the quadratic term to obtain the new generalized ADMM update with \[\mathfrak{Q}(U - U^{(k)}) = \frac{\alpha}{2}\left\|(U - U^{(k)})\right\|_F^2 - \frac{\rho}{2}\left\|D_{\text{row}}U - D_{\text{row}}U^{(k)}\right\|_F^2 - \frac{\rho}{2}\left\|UD_{\text{col}} - U^{(k)}D_{\text{col}}\right\|_F^2 + \frac{1}{2}\left\|\mathcal{P}_{I - M}(U - U^{(k)})\right\|_F^2.\] As before, this leads to an “imputed \(X\)” in the \(U\)-update step of the ADMM: \[U^{(k+1)} = \frac{\alpha U^{(k)} + (M \odot X + (I - M) \odot U^{(k)}) + \rho D_{\text{row}}^T(V^{(k)}_{\text{row}} - Z^{(k)}_{\text{row}} - D_{\text{row}}U^{(k)}) + \rho (V^{(k)}_{\text{col}} - Z^{(k)}_{\text{col}} - U^{(k)}D_{\text{col}})D_{\text{col}}^T}{1 + \alpha}\] As before, we note that this has the “impute from previous” structure and simplififes to the standard update when there are no missing values.


Bauschke, Heinz H., and Patrick L. Combettes. 2008. “A Dykstra-Like Algorithm for Two Monotone Operators.” Pacific Journal of Optimization 4 (3): 383–91.

Boyd, Stephen, Neal Parikh, Eric Chu, Borja Peleato, and Jonathan Eckstein. 2011. “Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers.” Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning 3 (1): 1–122.

Chi, Eric C., Genevera I. Allen, and Richard G. Baraniuk. 2017. “Convex Biclustering.” Biometrics 73 (1): 10–19.

Chi, Eric C., and Kenneth Lange. 2015. “Splitting Methods for Convex Clustering.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 24 (4): 994–1013.

Combettes, Patrick L., and Jean-Cristophe Pesquet. 2011. “Proximal Splitting Methods in Signal Processing.” In Fixed-Point Algorithms for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, edited by Heinz H. Bauschke, Regina S. Burachik, Patrick L. Combettes, Veit Elser, D. Russell Luke, and Henry Wolkowicz, 185–212. Springer.

Deng, Wei, and Wotao Yin. 2016. “On the Global and Linear Convergence of the Generalized Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers.” Journal of Scientific Computing 66 (3): 889–916.

Hocking, Toby Dylan, Armand Joulin, Francis Bach, and Jean-Philippe Vert. 2011. “Clusterpath: An Algorithm for Clustering Using Convex Fusion Penalties.” In ICML 2011: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning, edited by Lise Getoor and Tobias Scheffer, 745–52. Bellevue, Washington, USA: ACM.

Hu, Yue, Eric C. Chi, and Genevera I. Allen. 2016. “ADMM Algorithmic Regularization Paths for Sparse Statistical Machine Learning.” In Splitting Methods in Communication and Imaging, Science, and Engineering, edited by Roland Glowinski, Stanley J. Osher, and Wotao Yin, 433–49. Springer.

Weylandt, Michael. 2019. “Splitting Methods for Convex Bi-Clustering and Co-Clustering.” In DSW 2019: Proceedings of the IEEE 2019 Data Science Workshop, edited by George Karypis, George Michailidis, and Rebecca Willett, 237–42. IEEE.

Weylandt, Michael, John Nagorski, and Genevera I. Allen. 2020. “Dynamic Visualization and Fast Computation for Convex Clustering via Algorithmic Regularization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 29 (1): 87–96.

  1. Here, we consider the case of uniform weights to simplify some of the notation, but the general case is essentially the same. The general formulation of CARP is given below.↩︎

  2. As discussed at, this can be computed without instantiating the Kronecker product, at the cost of calculating the columns of \(U^{(k+1)}\) separately.↩︎

  3. Again, we consider the case of uniform weights to simplify some of the notation and give the general case at the end of this section.↩︎