get_cluster_labels returns a factor vector of cluster labels. get_clustered_data returns a matrix (with the same dimensions and names as the original data), but with the values for each observation replaced by its "estimated" value (i.e., the appropriate cluster centroid). get_cluster_centroids returns a k-by-p matrix of cluster centroids, with the same column names as the original data.

get_cluster_labels(x, ...)

# S3 method for CARP
get_cluster_labels(x, ..., percent, k)

get_cluster_centroids(x, ...)

# S3 method for CARP
get_cluster_centroids(x, ..., percent, k, refit = TRUE)

get_clustered_data(x, ...)

# S3 method for CARP
get_clustered_data(x, ..., percent, k, refit = TRUE)



An object of class CARP as produced by CARP


Additional arguments - if any are provided, an error is signalled.


A number between 0 and 1, giving the regularization level (as a fraction of the final regularization level used) at which to get cluster labels.


The desired number of clusters. If no iteration with exactly this many clusters is found, the first iterate with fewer than k clusters is used.


Should "naive" centroids (TRUE) or the actual centroids estimated by convex clustering be used? The default (refit = TRUE) centroids returned are actual centroids (mean) of all elements assigned to that cluster; if refit = FALSE, the \(\hat{U}\) from the convex clustering problem is used. Due to the global shrinkage imposed, these clusters are more "shrunk together" than the naive clusters.


get_clustered_data and get_cluster_centroids return centroids on the original scale of the data, independent of any pre-processing flags passed to CARP. Note that exactly one of percent and k must be supplied to each function.


carp_fit <- CARP(presidential_speech)
#> Pre-computing weights and edge sets
#> Computing Convex Clustering [CARP] Path
#> Post-processing
# Get clustering results from 50% along the path get_cluster_labels(carp_fit, percent = 0.5)
#> Abraham Lincoln Andrew Jackson Andrew Johnson #> cluster_1 cluster_1 cluster_1 #> Barack Obama Benjamin Harrison Calvin Coolidge #> cluster_2 cluster_1 cluster_1 #> Chester A. Arthur Donald J. Trump Dwight D. Eisenhower #> cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_2 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt Franklin Pierce George Bush #> cluster_2 cluster_1 cluster_2 #> George W. Bush George Washington Gerald R. Ford #> cluster_2 cluster_1 cluster_2 #> Grover Cleveland Harry S. Truman Herbert Hoover #> cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_1 #> James A. Garfield James Buchanan James K. Polk #> cluster_1 cluster_1 cluster_1 #> James Madison James Monroe Jimmy Carter #> cluster_1 cluster_1 cluster_2 #> John Adams John F. Kennedy John Quincy Adams #> cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_1 #> John Tyler Lyndon B. Johnson Martin van Buren #> cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_1 #> Millard Fillmore Richard Nixon Ronald Reagan #> cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_2 #> Rutherford B. Hayes Theodore Roosevelt Thomas Jefferson #> cluster_1 cluster_1 cluster_1 #> Ulysses S. Grant Warren G. Harding William Henry Harrison #> cluster_1 cluster_1 cluster_1 #> William Howard Taft William J. Clinton William McKinley #> cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_1 #> Woodrow Wilson Zachary Taylor #> cluster_1 cluster_1 #> Levels: cluster_1 cluster_2
# Get labels corresponding to the 3 cluster solution get_cluster_labels(carp_fit, k = 3)
#> Abraham Lincoln Andrew Jackson Andrew Johnson #> cluster_1 cluster_1 cluster_1 #> Barack Obama Benjamin Harrison Calvin Coolidge #> cluster_2 cluster_1 cluster_1 #> Chester A. Arthur Donald J. Trump Dwight D. Eisenhower #> cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_2 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt Franklin Pierce George Bush #> cluster_2 cluster_1 cluster_2 #> George W. Bush George Washington Gerald R. Ford #> cluster_2 cluster_1 cluster_2 #> Grover Cleveland Harry S. Truman Herbert Hoover #> cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_1 #> James A. Garfield James Buchanan James K. Polk #> cluster_1 cluster_1 cluster_1 #> James Madison James Monroe Jimmy Carter #> cluster_1 cluster_1 cluster_2 #> John Adams John F. Kennedy John Quincy Adams #> cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_1 #> John Tyler Lyndon B. Johnson Martin van Buren #> cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_1 #> Millard Fillmore Richard Nixon Ronald Reagan #> cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_2 #> Rutherford B. Hayes Theodore Roosevelt Thomas Jefferson #> cluster_1 cluster_1 cluster_1 #> Ulysses S. Grant Warren G. Harding William Henry Harrison #> cluster_1 cluster_3 cluster_1 #> William Howard Taft William J. Clinton William McKinley #> cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_1 #> Woodrow Wilson Zachary Taylor #> cluster_1 cluster_1 #> Levels: cluster_1 cluster_2 cluster_3
# Get 3 cluster centroids get_cluster_centroids(carp_fit, k = 3)
#> amount appropri british cent commerci commission consider #> [1,] 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 2.4623515 3.667895 #> [2,] 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 0.1980421 1.465250 #> [3,] 0.000000 0.6931472 0.0000000 2.1972246 2.3025851 0.0000000 2.708050 #> develop expenditur farm feder fiscal help indian #> [1,] 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 #> [2,] 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 #> [3,] 2.484907 1.945910 2.079442 2.995732 0.6931472 2.7080502 0.000000 #> intercours island june mail mexico navi need #> [1,] 2.427929 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 2.602382 #> [2,] 0.000000 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 4.444242 #> [3,] 0.000000 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.833213 #> per provis receipt reform regard report shall subject #> [1,] 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 #> [2,] 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 #> [3,] 2.484907 2.564949 0.0000000 1.098612 0.000000 1.945910 3.295837 1.098612 #> territori treasuri treati upon vessel america bank incom #> [1,] 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 #> [2,] 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 #> [3,] 1.609438 1.791759 1.945910 2.833213 0.0000000 2.890372 1.098612 0.6931472 #> million price spain articl cut dollar econom #> [1,] 1.794344 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 1.609623 #> [2,] 4.044070 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 3.999372 #> [3,] 1.791759 1.945910 0.0000000 0.6931472 1.0986123 0.6931472 2.708050 #> women educ school bill tariff unemploy weapon #> [1,] 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 0.3871545 0.2768995 #> [2,] 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 2.7956399 2.7877462 #> [3,] 1.0986123 2.197225 1.945910 0.6931472 2.8332133 1.6094379 0.0000000 #> get method farmer challeng achiev democraci area #> [1,] 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 #> [2,] 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 #> [3,] 0.6931472 1.386294 2.302585 1.6094379 1.386294 1.6094379 1.0986123 #> billion problem basic budget goal job level #> [1,] 0.2441388 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 0.5037702 #> [2,] 3.7429589 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 3.0683132 #> [3,] 1.3862944 3.526361 1.0986123 1.386294 0.6931472 0.0000000 1.7917595 #> nuclear percent program spend technolog today tonight #> [1,] 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 #> [2,] 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 #> [3,] 0.000000 0.0000000 2.1972246 0.6931472 0.00000000 2.3978953 0.000000 #> worker inflat soviet #> [1,] 0.2961965 0.3494689 0.000000 #> [2,] 3.1347856 2.5319042 2.493221 #> [3,] 0.6931472 1.6094379 0.000000
# Get the clustered estimates for k = 3 clusters get_clustered_data(carp_fit, k = 3)
#> amount appropri british cent commerci #> Abraham Lincoln 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Andrew Jackson 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Andrew Johnson 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Barack Obama 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> Benjamin Harrison 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Calvin Coolidge 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Chester A. Arthur 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Donald J. Trump 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> Franklin Pierce 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> George Bush 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> George W. Bush 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> George Washington 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Gerald R. Ford 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> Grover Cleveland 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Harry S. Truman 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> Herbert Hoover 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> James A. Garfield 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> James Buchanan 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> James K. Polk 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> James Madison 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> James Monroe 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Jimmy Carter 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> John Adams 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> John F. Kennedy 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> John Quincy Adams 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> John Tyler 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> Martin van Buren 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Millard Fillmore 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Richard Nixon 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> Ronald Reagan 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Theodore Roosevelt 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Thomas Jefferson 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Ulysses S. Grant 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Warren G. Harding 0.000000 0.6931472 0.0000000 2.1972246 2.3025851 #> William Henry Harrison 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> William Howard Taft 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> William J. Clinton 1.862722 2.0425014 0.5157932 0.7925161 0.9780746 #> William McKinley 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Woodrow Wilson 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> Zachary Taylor 3.359010 3.3140457 2.3921950 2.0502205 2.7591423 #> commission consider develop expenditur farm #> Abraham Lincoln 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Andrew Jackson 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Andrew Johnson 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Barack Obama 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> Benjamin Harrison 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Calvin Coolidge 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Chester A. Arthur 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Donald J. Trump 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> Franklin Pierce 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> George Bush 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> George W. Bush 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> George Washington 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Gerald R. Ford 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> Grover Cleveland 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Harry S. Truman 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> Herbert Hoover 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> James A. Garfield 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> James Buchanan 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> James K. Polk 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> James Madison 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> James Monroe 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Jimmy Carter 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> John Adams 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> John F. Kennedy 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> John Quincy Adams 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> John Tyler 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> Martin van Buren 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Millard Fillmore 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Richard Nixon 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> Ronald Reagan 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Theodore Roosevelt 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Thomas Jefferson 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Ulysses S. Grant 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Warren G. Harding 0.0000000 2.708050 2.484907 1.945910 2.079442 #> William Henry Harrison 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> William Howard Taft 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> William J. Clinton 0.1980421 1.465250 3.715357 1.996894 2.392863 #> William McKinley 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Woodrow Wilson 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> Zachary Taylor 2.4623515 3.667895 2.332016 3.127940 1.160957 #> feder fiscal help indian intercours #> Abraham Lincoln 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Andrew Jackson 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Andrew Johnson 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Barack Obama 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> Benjamin Harrison 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Calvin Coolidge 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Chester A. Arthur 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Donald J. Trump 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> Franklin Pierce 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> George Bush 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> George W. Bush 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> George Washington 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Gerald R. Ford 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> Grover Cleveland 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Harry S. Truman 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> Herbert Hoover 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> James A. Garfield 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> James Buchanan 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> James K. Polk 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> James Madison 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> James Monroe 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Jimmy Carter 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> John Adams 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> John F. Kennedy 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> John Quincy Adams 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> John Tyler 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> Martin van Buren 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Millard Fillmore 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Richard Nixon 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> Ronald Reagan 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Theodore Roosevelt 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Thomas Jefferson 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Ulysses S. Grant 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Warren G. Harding 2.995732 0.6931472 2.7080502 0.000000 0.000000 #> William Henry Harrison 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> William Howard Taft 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> William J. Clinton 4.032946 2.5822486 4.3600998 1.028310 0.000000 #> William McKinley 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Woodrow Wilson 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> Zachary Taylor 2.357668 2.4904667 0.8689617 2.868423 2.427929 #> island june mail mexico navi #> Abraham Lincoln 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Andrew Jackson 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Andrew Johnson 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Barack Obama 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> Benjamin Harrison 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Calvin Coolidge 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Chester A. Arthur 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Donald J. Trump 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> Franklin Pierce 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> George Bush 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> George W. Bush 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> George Washington 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Gerald R. Ford 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> Grover Cleveland 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Harry S. Truman 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> Herbert Hoover 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> James A. Garfield 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> James Buchanan 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> James K. Polk 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> James Madison 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> James Monroe 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Jimmy Carter 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> John Adams 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> John F. Kennedy 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> John Quincy Adams 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> John Tyler 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> Martin van Buren 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Millard Fillmore 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Richard Nixon 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> Ronald Reagan 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Theodore Roosevelt 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Thomas Jefferson 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Ulysses S. Grant 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Warren G. Harding 0.0000000 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 #> William Henry Harrison 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> William Howard Taft 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> William J. Clinton 0.9483649 1.273441 0.4409847 0.7222947 0.9645195 #> William McKinley 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Woodrow Wilson 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> Zachary Taylor 2.3262376 2.283998 2.1068540 2.4916409 2.9538237 #> need per provis receipt reform regard #> Abraham Lincoln 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Andrew Jackson 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Andrew Johnson 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Barack Obama 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> Benjamin Harrison 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Calvin Coolidge 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Chester A. Arthur 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Donald J. Trump 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> Franklin Pierce 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> George Bush 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> George W. Bush 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> George Washington 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Gerald R. Ford 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> Grover Cleveland 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Harry S. Truman 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> Herbert Hoover 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> James A. Garfield 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> James Buchanan 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> James K. Polk 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> James Madison 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> James Monroe 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Jimmy Carter 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> John Adams 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> John F. Kennedy 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> John Quincy Adams 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> John Tyler 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> Martin van Buren 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Millard Fillmore 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Richard Nixon 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> Ronald Reagan 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Theodore Roosevelt 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Thomas Jefferson 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Ulysses S. Grant 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Warren G. Harding 2.833213 2.484907 2.564949 0.0000000 1.098612 0.000000 #> William Henry Harrison 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> William Howard Taft 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> William J. Clinton 4.444242 1.529186 1.351412 0.7369229 2.950234 1.399618 #> William McKinley 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Woodrow Wilson 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> Zachary Taylor 2.602382 2.038704 3.342505 2.4833353 1.589620 2.980658 #> report shall subject territori treasuri treati #> Abraham Lincoln 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Andrew Jackson 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Andrew Johnson 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Barack Obama 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> Benjamin Harrison 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Calvin Coolidge 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Chester A. Arthur 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Donald J. Trump 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> Franklin Pierce 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> George Bush 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> George W. Bush 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> George Washington 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Gerald R. Ford 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> Grover Cleveland 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Harry S. Truman 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> Herbert Hoover 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> James A. Garfield 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> James Buchanan 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> James K. Polk 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> James Madison 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> James Monroe 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Jimmy Carter 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> John Adams 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> John F. Kennedy 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> John Quincy Adams 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> John Tyler 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> Martin van Buren 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Millard Fillmore 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Richard Nixon 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> Ronald Reagan 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Theodore Roosevelt 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Thomas Jefferson 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Ulysses S. Grant 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Warren G. Harding 1.945910 3.295837 1.098612 1.609438 1.791759 1.945910 #> William Henry Harrison 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> William Howard Taft 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> William J. Clinton 2.504706 2.266559 1.660877 1.031974 1.170382 1.850235 #> William McKinley 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Woodrow Wilson 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> Zachary Taylor 3.231835 3.893628 3.969144 3.262769 3.321236 3.527688 #> upon vessel america bank incom million #> Abraham Lincoln 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Andrew Jackson 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Andrew Johnson 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Barack Obama 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> Benjamin Harrison 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Calvin Coolidge 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Chester A. Arthur 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Donald J. Trump 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> Franklin Pierce 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> George Bush 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> George W. Bush 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> George Washington 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Gerald R. Ford 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> Grover Cleveland 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Harry S. Truman 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> Herbert Hoover 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> James A. Garfield 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> James Buchanan 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> James K. Polk 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> James Madison 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> James Monroe 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Jimmy Carter 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> John Adams 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> John F. Kennedy 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> John Quincy Adams 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> John Tyler 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> Martin van Buren 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Millard Fillmore 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Richard Nixon 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> Ronald Reagan 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Theodore Roosevelt 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Thomas Jefferson 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Ulysses S. Grant 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Warren G. Harding 2.833213 0.0000000 2.890372 1.098612 0.6931472 1.791759 #> William Henry Harrison 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> William Howard Taft 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> William J. Clinton 2.707913 0.5064341 4.545829 1.961930 3.3394351 4.044070 #> William McKinley 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Woodrow Wilson 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> Zachary Taylor 4.526728 2.9735118 2.087653 2.511195 1.3637360 1.794344 #> price spain articl cut dollar #> Abraham Lincoln 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Andrew Jackson 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Andrew Johnson 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Barack Obama 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> Benjamin Harrison 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Calvin Coolidge 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Chester A. Arthur 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Donald J. Trump 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> Franklin Pierce 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> George Bush 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> George W. Bush 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> George Washington 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Gerald R. Ford 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> Grover Cleveland 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Harry S. Truman 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> Herbert Hoover 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> James A. Garfield 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> James Buchanan 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> James K. Polk 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> James Madison 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> James Monroe 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Jimmy Carter 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> John Adams 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> John F. Kennedy 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> John Quincy Adams 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> John Tyler 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> Martin van Buren 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Millard Fillmore 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Richard Nixon 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> Ronald Reagan 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Theodore Roosevelt 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Thomas Jefferson 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Ulysses S. Grant 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Warren G. Harding 1.945910 0.0000000 0.6931472 1.0986123 0.6931472 #> William Henry Harrison 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> William Howard Taft 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> William J. Clinton 3.083916 0.1980421 0.2475526 3.1468759 3.2737465 #> William McKinley 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Woodrow Wilson 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> Zachary Taylor 2.086668 2.0103993 2.4389560 0.7648271 1.5076055 #> econom women educ school bill tariff #> Abraham Lincoln 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Andrew Jackson 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Andrew Johnson 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Barack Obama 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> Benjamin Harrison 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Calvin Coolidge 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Chester A. Arthur 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Donald J. Trump 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> Franklin Pierce 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> George Bush 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> George W. Bush 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> George Washington 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Gerald R. Ford 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> Grover Cleveland 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Harry S. Truman 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> Herbert Hoover 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> James A. Garfield 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> James Buchanan 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> James K. Polk 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> James Madison 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> James Monroe 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Jimmy Carter 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> John Adams 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> John F. Kennedy 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> John Quincy Adams 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> John Tyler 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> Martin van Buren 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Millard Fillmore 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Richard Nixon 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> Ronald Reagan 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Theodore Roosevelt 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Thomas Jefferson 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Ulysses S. Grant 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Warren G. Harding 2.708050 1.0986123 2.197225 1.945910 0.6931472 2.8332133 #> William Henry Harrison 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> William Howard Taft 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> William J. Clinton 3.999372 2.9420389 3.463114 3.235803 2.8435069 0.8874667 #> William McKinley 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Woodrow Wilson 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> Zachary Taylor 1.609623 0.5746917 1.892278 1.291019 1.9113003 1.9128817 #> unemploy weapon get method farmer #> Abraham Lincoln 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Andrew Jackson 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Andrew Johnson 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Barack Obama 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> Benjamin Harrison 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Calvin Coolidge 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Chester A. Arthur 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Donald J. Trump 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> Franklin Pierce 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> George Bush 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> George W. Bush 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> George Washington 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Gerald R. Ford 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> Grover Cleveland 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Harry S. Truman 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> Herbert Hoover 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> James A. Garfield 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> James Buchanan 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> James K. Polk 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> James Madison 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> James Monroe 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Jimmy Carter 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> John Adams 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> John F. Kennedy 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> John Quincy Adams 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> John Tyler 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> Martin van Buren 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Millard Fillmore 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Richard Nixon 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> Ronald Reagan 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Theodore Roosevelt 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Thomas Jefferson 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Ulysses S. Grant 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Warren G. Harding 1.6094379 0.0000000 0.6931472 1.386294 2.302585 #> William Henry Harrison 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> William Howard Taft 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> William J. Clinton 2.7956399 2.7877462 3.0255971 1.461203 2.349569 #> William McKinley 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Woodrow Wilson 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> Zachary Taylor 0.3871545 0.2768995 0.5113785 1.514215 1.093850 #> challeng achiev democraci area billion #> Abraham Lincoln 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Andrew Jackson 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Andrew Johnson 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Barack Obama 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> Benjamin Harrison 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Calvin Coolidge 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Chester A. Arthur 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Donald J. Trump 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> Franklin Pierce 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> George Bush 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> George W. Bush 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> George Washington 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Gerald R. Ford 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> Grover Cleveland 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Harry S. Truman 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> Herbert Hoover 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> James A. Garfield 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> James Buchanan 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> James K. Polk 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> James Madison 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> James Monroe 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Jimmy Carter 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> John Adams 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> John F. Kennedy 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> John Quincy Adams 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> John Tyler 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> Martin van Buren 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Millard Fillmore 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Richard Nixon 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> Ronald Reagan 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Theodore Roosevelt 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Thomas Jefferson 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Ulysses S. Grant 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Warren G. Harding 1.6094379 1.386294 1.6094379 1.0986123 1.3862944 #> William Henry Harrison 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> William Howard Taft 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> William J. Clinton 3.1210443 3.403615 2.5199520 3.0214103 3.7429589 #> William McKinley 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Woodrow Wilson 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> Zachary Taylor 0.3427457 1.049185 0.2999833 0.9618479 0.2441388 #> problem basic budget goal job #> Abraham Lincoln 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Andrew Jackson 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Andrew Johnson 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Barack Obama 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> Benjamin Harrison 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Calvin Coolidge 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Chester A. Arthur 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Donald J. Trump 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> Franklin Pierce 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> George Bush 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> George W. Bush 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> George Washington 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Gerald R. Ford 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> Grover Cleveland 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Harry S. Truman 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> Herbert Hoover 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> James A. Garfield 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> James Buchanan 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> James K. Polk 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> James Madison 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> James Monroe 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Jimmy Carter 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> John Adams 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> John F. Kennedy 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> John Quincy Adams 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> John Tyler 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> Martin van Buren 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Millard Fillmore 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Richard Nixon 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> Ronald Reagan 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Theodore Roosevelt 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Thomas Jefferson 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Ulysses S. Grant 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Warren G. Harding 3.526361 1.0986123 1.386294 0.6931472 0.0000000 #> William Henry Harrison 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> William Howard Taft 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> William J. Clinton 3.659555 2.8387802 3.795996 3.2118895 3.9587172 #> William McKinley 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Woodrow Wilson 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> Zachary Taylor 1.162271 0.1109957 0.430126 0.1033011 0.1474712 #> level nuclear percent program spend #> Abraham Lincoln 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Andrew Jackson 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Andrew Johnson 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Barack Obama 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> Benjamin Harrison 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Calvin Coolidge 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Chester A. Arthur 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Donald J. Trump 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> Franklin Pierce 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> George Bush 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> George W. Bush 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> George Washington 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Gerald R. Ford 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> Grover Cleveland 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Harry S. Truman 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> Herbert Hoover 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> James A. Garfield 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> James Buchanan 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> James K. Polk 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> James Madison 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> James Monroe 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Jimmy Carter 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> John Adams 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> John F. Kennedy 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> John Quincy Adams 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> John Tyler 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> Martin van Buren 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Millard Fillmore 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Richard Nixon 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> Ronald Reagan 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Theodore Roosevelt 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Thomas Jefferson 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Ulysses S. Grant 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Warren G. Harding 1.7917595 0.000000 0.0000000 2.1972246 0.6931472 #> William Henry Harrison 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> William Howard Taft 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> William J. Clinton 3.0683132 2.559875 3.4095268 4.4328005 3.1180550 #> William McKinley 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Woodrow Wilson 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> Zachary Taylor 0.5037702 0.000000 0.1527868 0.4188332 0.2746740 #> technolog today tonight worker inflat #> Abraham Lincoln 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Andrew Jackson 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Andrew Johnson 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Barack Obama 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> Benjamin Harrison 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Calvin Coolidge 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Chester A. Arthur 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Donald J. Trump 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> Franklin Pierce 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> George Bush 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> George W. Bush 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> George Washington 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Gerald R. Ford 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> Grover Cleveland 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Harry S. Truman 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> Herbert Hoover 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> James A. Garfield 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> James Buchanan 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> James K. Polk 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> James Madison 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> James Monroe 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Jimmy Carter 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> John Adams 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> John F. Kennedy 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> John Quincy Adams 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> John Tyler 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> Martin van Buren 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Millard Fillmore 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Richard Nixon 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> Ronald Reagan 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Theodore Roosevelt 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Thomas Jefferson 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Ulysses S. Grant 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Warren G. Harding 0.00000000 2.3978953 0.000000 0.6931472 1.6094379 #> William Henry Harrison 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> William Howard Taft 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> William J. Clinton 2.68228351 3.7233467 2.596381 3.1347856 2.5319042 #> William McKinley 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Woodrow Wilson 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> Zachary Taylor 0.02390163 0.2544055 0.000000 0.2961965 0.3494689 #> soviet #> Abraham Lincoln 0.000000 #> Andrew Jackson 0.000000 #> Andrew Johnson 0.000000 #> Barack Obama 2.493221 #> Benjamin Harrison 0.000000 #> Calvin Coolidge 0.000000 #> Chester A. Arthur 0.000000 #> Donald J. Trump 2.493221 #> Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.493221 #> Franklin D. Roosevelt 2.493221 #> Franklin Pierce 0.000000 #> George Bush 2.493221 #> George W. Bush 2.493221 #> George Washington 0.000000 #> Gerald R. Ford 2.493221 #> Grover Cleveland 0.000000 #> Harry S. Truman 2.493221 #> Herbert Hoover 0.000000 #> James A. Garfield 0.000000 #> James Buchanan 0.000000 #> James K. Polk 0.000000 #> James Madison 0.000000 #> James Monroe 0.000000 #> Jimmy Carter 2.493221 #> John Adams 0.000000 #> John F. Kennedy 2.493221 #> John Quincy Adams 0.000000 #> John Tyler 0.000000 #> Lyndon B. Johnson 2.493221 #> Martin van Buren 0.000000 #> Millard Fillmore 0.000000 #> Richard Nixon 2.493221 #> Ronald Reagan 2.493221 #> Rutherford B. Hayes 0.000000 #> Theodore Roosevelt 0.000000 #> Thomas Jefferson 0.000000 #> Ulysses S. Grant 0.000000 #> Warren G. Harding 0.000000 #> William Henry Harrison 0.000000 #> William Howard Taft 0.000000 #> William J. Clinton 2.493221 #> William McKinley 0.000000 #> Woodrow Wilson 0.000000 #> Zachary Taylor 0.000000