Prints a brief descripton of a fitted CBASS object.

# S3 method for CBASS
print(x, ...)

# S3 method for CBASS
as.dendrogram(object, ..., type = c("row", "col"))

# S3 method for CBASS
as.hclust(x, ..., type = c("row", "col"))



an object of class CARP as returned by CARP


Additional unused arguments


an object of class CARP as returned by CARP


Either "row" or "col", indicating whether the row or column dendrogram should be returned.


The as.dendrogram and as.hclust methods convert the CBASS output to an object of class dendrogram or hclust respectively.


cbass_fit <- CBASS(X=presidential_speech)
#> Pre-computing column weights and edge sets
#> Pre-computing row weights and edge sets
#> Computing Convex Bi-Clustering [CBASS] Path
#> Post-processing rows
#> Post-processing columns
#> CBASS Fit Summary #> ==================== #> #> Algorithm: CBASS (t = 1.01) #> Fit Time: 4.167 secs #> Total Time: 6.795 secs #> #> Number of Rows: 44 #> Number of Columns: 75 #> #> Pre-processing options: #> - Global centering: TRUE #> #> Row Weights: #> - Source: Radial Basis Function Kernel Weights #> - Distance Metric: Euclidean #> - Scale parameter (phi): 0.01 [Data-Driven] #> - Sparsified: 4 Nearest Neighbors [Data-Driven] #> #> Column Weights: #> - Source: Radial Basis Function Kernel Weights #> - Distance Metric: Euclidean #> - Scale parameter (phi): 0.01 [Data-Driven] #> - Sparsified: 2 Nearest Neighbors [Data-Driven] #>